When the advocate & healthcare provider are a team…true healing can happen!
In This Together
The entire ITT program begins at intake. We have created a specialized process that routes our disabled patient into a different lane of care so the program can begin.
Partner Packets
Our personalized system we developed so disabled kids & their families know they are SEEN & will receive unique care based on their needs.
Training Modules
An 8 part training series that delves into all the things a disabled patient will need for a successful hospital experience & how the medical professional can successfully navigate their stay.
"We show that we are actively seeking to understand the disabled community when we specialize our care systems to honor their humanity & worth."
— SARAH RHODES, In This Together Excerpt
Can the ITT program be used for all disabilities?
Yes! The ITT program was written in such a way that children with any & every form of disability will benefit from the content.
Is the content available online?
In the near future we will be offering the program both through online or in-person training initiatives.